The future of care in the UK 


What is the future of care in the UK 

There are some professions that are as old as time. Hairdressers, nurses, and artists to name just a few. This is contrasted with jobs like service staff, train drivers, pilots, and security personnel. The main difference as technology soars into the future is that the latter of the two job types can be replaced by AI, robots, or code automation.

Post-pandemic care

The post-pandemic world is somewhat apocalyptic with job vacancies in the social care sector at the highest level since 2008 at 10%. The pandemic has highlighted the challenges that vulnerable children face, which has in turn, led to a higher demand for children’s services. Caring for children is not as simple as keeping them fed, watered, with a roof over their heads. Children in care deserve to know they are safe, cared for, and have the same opportunities as their peers. This is all down to the staff and support workers who surround the children, and this is one thing that cannot be replicated by a computer. A perfect support worker cares for those in their charge. Humans care and that’s what makes them human.

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